Income Restoration Program (IRP) in Thilawa SEZ , which is in-kind assistance, is provided in order to restore and stabilize the livelihood activities and income source of PAPs.
IRP focuses on diversified economic activity for PAPs to generate earned income in a short period which will be able to cover the basic needs of PAPs after relocation. It supports for capacity development of PAPs in necessary techniques for income earning activity and empowers PAPs to obtain stable job opportunity.

Posted: 2021-03-26
On 23rd March 2021, provision of the basic foodstuffs (rice and cooking oil) for the month of February was made by TSMC with the technical assistance of the JICA Expert Team (JET) to 98 family members from 44 vulnerable households of Thilawa SEZ Zone B phase 1+2, 3, and 4 project-affected households by targeting the elderly, woman-headed and people with disabilities, at Zone B relocation site and Aye Mya Thida ward, Kyauktan township respectively.
Posted: 2021-01-28
On 28th January 2021, TSMC has provided rice and cooking oils with the technical assistance of the JICA Expert Team (JET) to 98 family members from 44 vulnerable households of Thilawa SEZ Zone B phase 1+2, 3, and 4 project-affected households by targeting the elderly, woman-headed and people with disabilities, at Zone B relocation site and Aye Mya Thida ward, Kyauktan township respectively. JET follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) while carrying this program.
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